Change history for SeaMarks since version 7.0:
This lists the changes made to the program by release date. You can look over this list to see if your version might have a problem that has been fixed.
2/27/24 Made some minor updates 12/19/23 Fixed PCWindPlot import algorithm . Also made sure the program was "signed" 10/13/23 Fixed the Replace function which had Color and Symbol swapped 7/3/23 Made improvements to import routines for Garmin GDB and Humminbird HWR files. 3/11/22 Modified the Furuno NavNet3D import to get it working right 6/3/22 Added the GPX Garmin format to IO routines. 5/31/22 Made small improvements like warning messages. 2/22/22 Fixed the Fish32N tracks importer so it doesn't have spurious lines. 2/19/22 Fixed an issue with importing a Furuno GP1971F file causing an overflow error. 2/2/22 Fixed the Export of Raymarine GPX format that was getting dates wrong. 1/2/22 Added import for an Italian track plotter named Fish32N. 12/2/21 Added Furuno TZD and FurunoGPX to the import form GPS definition so as to load the appropriate icons. Made a new Garmin GDB importer that does not use GPSbabel. Fixed an issue where Symbol and Color were swapped in the Finder list so that they did not work right. 6/7/21 Modified the Furuno exporting of the GP-1871F /1971F waypoints in GPX to handle some particular requirements of those models. Also fixed the USR versions 4 to 6 importer to handle more variations. 4/24/21 Fixed some issues with track plotting having to do with saving a spot. 2/13/21 Updated the WMM.DAT file and updated the UserPreferences file to show last file loaded as being in the SeaMarks folder instead of the Lorangps folder. 1/8/21 Fixed a bug in the Furuno TZD export that made it export only one point. Bug introduced 4/24/20, 10/30/20 added a shortcut for Garmin importing 8/30/20 Fixed an issue with a recent Windows 10 upgrade that would kill the program. By upgrading the BoxedApp Packer the issue went away. Updated the SeaMarks program version to 8.2. 7/1120 Fixed an issue with Importing a Garmin track file that has an ACTIVE LOG section. 7/1120 Fixed an issue with Importing a Garmin track file that has an ACTIVE LOG section. 7/1/20 Fixed an issue where if an old Furuno file was to converted to Garmin format, the name length got set to 6. 6/10/20 Fixed issues with Furuno 3D export, with sometimes printing a blank sheet, and with not adding a new waypoint when loran features are suppressed. 5/11/20 Changed the installer to use a simpler format that is less likely to have issues. 4/24/20 Improved the Import of text files of the CSV variety to avoid issues with various forms of Lat/Lon that included non number characters. Corrected a bug in the Export of Furuno GPX files having to do with the wrong date/time format. Made a change to allow more than 100,000 track point import from PC-WindPlot. 2/7/20 and 3/30/20 Fixed some minor issues that did not prevent proper operation. 11/4/19 Fixed an issue with showing the manual and some other minor bugs. 8/3/19 Added the import of Furuno TZD tracks.